Installation Tricks

A temperate spot for your feeder out of extreme elements is best – birds prefer a mild setting and as a bonus it will extend your eco-friendly feeder's life!

  • Use the included razor to scrape off any stubborn bits from the window.
  • Wipe down with the alcohol pad from the included kit to make sure it's clean, and importantly oil-free.
  • If your window is especially dirty, fill up a bowl with warm water, dish soap, and wash with a paper-towel for that extra clean finish!

Peeling off the adhesive backing is easy with the razor from your kit.

  • Be sure to not touch the adhesive pads! Oil is the ultimate enemy of adhesion.

Line it up and press firmly around the outer rim for a secure fit. It's the strongest part!

Fill with included starter seed and wait for your new guests to make reservations!

Remember a new dining spot can take a little warming up to. Give your feathered friends a peaceful area while they check out their new bistro!

  • After finishing your starter seed blend, research your local bird population for just the right refill.
  • For reference the included seed blend is "Audobon Park - Nature's Blend," currently available at Costco and other local retailers.
  • A little trail of seeds on the ground or in a saucer in front of the window can help lure the more timid visitors.
  • A temporarily drawn curtain can make your feathered friends feel more at home.
  • Keep predators from the window while the birds discover that it is a safe place, and that they are not in fact dinner themselves. 🙂

Tube Tavern Installation

In just a few steps, you are set up!

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